I wear a filter
To stop the bull
I wear a protector
Because these lies make me full
Of the crap
So these lies I refuse to grasp
Trying to feed me bull in my lap
Do I look like a sap?
Is your reply?
Twisted words that make no sense
Wasted energy
So I wear a bullshit filter
To keep away
The lies and nonsense
Of the day
Don't need an armor suit
To change the route
Or a lie repellent
Because that is irrelevant
Expression of lies
And then you wonder why
You rely
On alibis
Loose lips
Sink ships
Because they drip
So I wear
A bullshit filter
To keep away the lies
And the verbal litter
So step to me
No lies
Ok so this is just a lil bit of my bitch side, i know some of yall may feel this way too but you know if we all thought like this we would have no drama and what fun would life be then? SO those who love the soap dish shit in their lives good for you! Keep making me laugh!