Fuck Barbie! Fuck Bratz! Its all about these shero's...SUPREME JUSTYCE!!! This is my god brother/sisters (Muhammed/Lydia/Kecia) genius idea please peep the links and support!
Check it out - Ryze N’ Shyne’s Supreme Justyce.
"Muhammed began to envision what a positive girl of color characters would look like, and he turned to Lydia and Kecia to help bring that vision to life. Together, we determined that we wanted to offer girls products that are strong, independent, and which avoid the overly sexualized and stereotypical depictions that are so prevalent in today’s main-stream programming. We wanted to provide girls of color with characters that encourage a positive self-image without taking away fun and adventure. We are striving to erase the current images of women and girls of color being used as "exotic" ad-ons for entertainment purposes and replace them with images of strong powerful and confident charac-ters. It is with these goals in mind that we brought Supreme Justyce to life.
The tween market is saturated with products that do not represent our children’s diverse faces and interests. In addi-tion, many of the products marketed to girls of color are not age-appropriate or are based on harmful stereotypes. Su-preme Justyce is the answer to what the tween market is missing: positive, age appropriate images of girls of color. Every girl has a need to feel accepted, and falling short of the accepted images a girl sees on TV can be devastating to a girl’s self image. Ryze N’ Shyne believes that the solution to this problem does not involve changing our children; rather, it involves expanding what are children are exposed to. Ryze N’ Shyne is looking for the opportunity to break the mold and show girls it is OK to be exactly who they are. Take a moment to meet Supreme Justyce and acquaint yourself with Ryze N’ Shyne LLP. See how we are working to help young girls embrace themselves, and ask how you can be involved in supporting our important work. At Ryze N’ Shyne, we believe girls of color weren’t made to fit in. They are made to stand out." ~ RNS Press Letter
My daughter is one of the many characters of the Supreme Justyce (Kandia the DJ). Each shero is based on a "real-life" girl (Muhammeds daughter - Justyce and other daughters of fam). Pass the site on to anyone you know with daughters. Word!
Be sure to check out the first Supreme Justyce Comic: Bambi on Trial!