Yo I been watching alot of 'First 48' aka "Snitchville" lately and i'll be damned if the police don't get folks to talk themselves into a bid. Its a scary situation even for the thuggest of thugs(that's a word lol). If your not under arrest and just being questioned ask if you are under arrest and if the answer is no then tell them you are LEAVING, and if they try to hold you ASK FOR A LAWYER! But if you are under arrest AND HAVE BEEN READ YOUR RIGHTS follow these simple rules for dummies:
**The most important right you have when placed under arrest is the RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT under the 5th amendment to the US Constitution. You may refuse to answer police questions on the basis of the possibility that your answers may incriminate you.
**Another important right is your right to refuse a police search request unless they have a warrant issued by a judge; if they do have a warrant, you have a right to see that warrant before any search commences.
**You have a right to representation guaranteed by the 6th amendment to the US Constitution. You have the right to have an attorney represent you and to have your communications with that attorney be privileged. Keep your convo's between you and your lawyer with NO ONE in the room or what they hear WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU!
Don't get sucked up in the system anymore than you have to folks, know your rights and control what you are able to regarding your freedom. UHURU!