This was made in 2008 but I didn't see this film until 2009 so this is why "Taken" is by far my pick for 2009 Movie of the Year!!! If you have not seen this, BUY IT!!!

I know around the time I expect my "Aunt Flow" to visit I start craving chocolate. Why? Well it does provide a natural mood booster and endorphins. Most chics I know have the same symptom as I cept I don't have the bitchness. Not to mention that oddly enough during this time is when I am at my sexual peek!!! Sucks but it is what it is. Anywho, i digress.
This chocolate craving I have might be that I just like the way chocolate feels in my mouth, and the sweet cocoa taste. I say that because its not like I just want any chocolate (Twix,Snickers etc.). I just want a plain bar of smooth chocolate, sometimes with almonds.
Ummmm the picture I didn't even know that mess existed lol...i'll stick to my Hershey Bars (3 for $1 at Dollar Tree).